



理学院, 技术, 和健康 welcomes several new faculty members across disciplines for the 2022-23 academic year.

Haw Cheng博士

Lindenwood’s natural sciences programs welcome Cheng, who specializes in astrophysics. “I am excited to become a part of the dynamic and vital community that is 澳门威尼斯人平台官网. I look forward to working with all of my new colleagues and students, 迫不及待地想去探索圣. 路易斯地区,”程说. Cheng earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Georgia Institute of 技术 and completed a master’s and PhD in Astrophysics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Harry Cintineo博士

新增加的运动机能系,从蒙特维尔,N.J., cintinineo带来了健康和人类表现方面的专业知识. “I chose to work at Lindenwood because it provides a big-school experience with a small-school feel. I am most looking forward to working with students in the classroom and the lab. As a professor, I can share my expertise with students while continuing to expand my own knowledge. My favorite courses to teach include strength and conditioning and research methods,” Cintineo said. Cintineo earned a bachelor’s in molecular biology from Fairfield University, a Master of Science in Health and Human Performance and a Master of Science in Applied Nutrition from Canisius College, 以及南卡罗来纳大学运动科学博士学位.


古德曼加入了澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学心理学系. 来自密苏里州西平原.古德曼专门研究行为神经科学. “我很高兴能加入澳门威尼斯人平台官网这个紧密联系的社区. I love introducing students to the world of Psychology and all of its applications. Helping students make connections between psychological concepts and their daily lives and personal goals is one of the reasons I chose to become a professor. You do not have to be a psychology major (although I do recommend it) to appreciate and apply all that you learn in psych courses. I can’t wait to continue this work at Lindenwood and collaborate with students both in the classroom and research lab,古德曼说。. Goodman earned a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies with emphasis in Psychology 和健康 Sciences from the University of Missouri-Columbia, 在密苏里大学圣路易斯市获得两个学位. Louis, a master’s and PhD in Psychology, with emphasis in Behavioral Neuroscience.

Patrick S. Harty, PhD

Lindenwood welcomes home two-time alum Harty, as a faculty member in Exercise Science. From St. 路易斯,哈蒂专门研究身体成分和运动营养. “作为澳门威尼斯人平台官网的校友, 我从这种活力中受益匪浅, 大学提供以学生为中心的学习环境. I’m delighted to have the opportunity to give back to the institution which fostered my initial academic interests while helping to train and mentor the next generation of exercise science professionals,哈蒂说. Harty earned both bachelor’s and master’s degrees from 澳门威尼斯人平台官网, 以及德克萨斯理工大学的博士学位.


Kabil comes to 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 to join the Chemistry Department, 专攻生物化学, 蛋白质生物化学, 机械酶学, 以及天生的新陈代谢错误. From Rize, Turkey, Kabil brings extensive research experience to Lindenwood. “我职业生涯的大部分时间都在做研究, 其中一个不可或缺的部分就是教学和训练学生, 我真的很喜欢. I knew the next phase of my career had to involve teaching and undergraduate research, and so it is with great excitement that I am joining the Lindenwood community to teach what I love: biochemistry,卡比尔说. Kabil holds a Master of Science from Old Dominion University and earned a PhD from University of Nebraska.

Naresh Kshetri博士

Kshetri joins the Mathematics, Computer Science, and IT Department at Lindenwood. Specializing in cybersecurity and block chain technology, Kshetri calls St. Louis, Mo. home. “Family and supportive environment as well as excellent student-faculty ratio attracted me to work at Lindenwood,Kshetri说. Kshetri holds a Master of Science in Cybersecurity from Webster University and a PhD in Computer Science from University of Missouri Saint Louis.


加入理学院, 技术, 和健康, 罗杰斯标志着又一位澳门威尼斯人平台官网校友重返校园. 最初来自伊利诺伊州的泽西维尔., Rogers will be part of the Psychology Department and specializes in counseling psychology. “我是澳门威尼斯人平台官网的校友!) and always dreamed of returning to my Alma Mater to teach in the psychology department. I am incredibly excited to work alongside my talented and passionate coworkers, 以及指导学生进入这个领域! I became a professor because I love to teach and because I believe that students deserve accessible, 适用的, 有意的教育. I will be teaching Abnormal Psychology, Personality Psychology, and Psychology of Women this year. 我最喜欢教的课程是心理治疗,”罗杰斯说. 罗杰斯在澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学获得了心理学学士学位, and both a Master of Arts and PhD in Counseling Psychology from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

Peter D. 史密斯,文学士,MSN,注册会计师

Smith joins 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 in the College of Science, 技术, 和健康. 他是伊利诺伊州戈弗雷的本地人., Smith specializes in nursing, health assessment, pharmacology, pathophysiology, and adult health. “我对教育和我对跑马拉松一样兴奋 ... 我已经完成了61个! 在澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学, the primary focus is the student and continuously adapting everything we do to ensure that they receive the dedicated education they so richly deserve. The passion for the students and their education is palpable on campus and is the main reason I chose 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 as my professional home. 我最喜欢教的科目是水下编篮. But since this is not part of the 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 curriculum (yet), my runner up courses include any nursing content that challenges students to engage the critical thoughts process to arrive at a solution that affects positive patient outcomes and promotes lifelong learning in the nurse,史密斯说. 史密斯拥有玛丽维尔大学的学士学位, 获得巴恩斯犹太学院Goldfarb护理学院学士学位, 获得韦伯斯特大学护理学硕士学位, 目前正在澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学攻读教育学博士学位.